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User Experience Design Case-Study:

Morning Routine Mockup App



Keeping a gratitude and meditation journal to help you reduce stress, focus on the things that really matter, and become more self-aware. Although the benefits of this practice are widely known, many target-audiences are hesitant because they are not motivated or lack a guide. Self helps users develop a healthy morning routine by (i) encouraging users to write the things they are grateful for followed by (ii) promoting a short meditation when they wake up. In order to motivate users to keep the morning routine, such features begin when users turn off their alarm using the Self. 




Checking social media feeds or email in the morning has become a routine for many people. According to International Data Corporation research, more than 80% of smartphone users have a habit of checking their phones within 15 minutes of waking up. Although the habit seems harmless, because many researchers agree that morning habits are linked to happiness and productivity, it should be controlled.
A lot of users admit to avoiding smartphone use in the morning is challenging as their daily routines are highly dependent on technology. Instead of urging users to limit usage, it is more practical to provide a service that helps productivity and happiness. Self-emphasizes creating a positive morning routine by aggregating an alarm clock, gratitude journal, and meditation techniques. Self is a reflection of today’s culture and users’ efforts to become more self-aware. The challenge is successfully convincing users that investing 10 minutes in this habit can improve overall lifestyle and health. 


Design Process:


The IDEO’s Human-Centered Design and Lean UX Design Thinking methods are followed in this project. 


Target user interview:

Target users were aware of the benefits of creating a healthy morning routine but stated that they do not practice it due to a lack of motivation and information. Target users admitted that keeping a morning routine is challenging as they are busiest in the morning. Interestingly, most target users still found time to check their smartphones for 10-15 minutes every morning.
Target users said they are willing to create new habits if it benefits their health and lifestyle. They need guidance and a convenient way to follow routines that are not overwhelming. 

User Pain Points:

“I watch my favorite shows when I feel stressed and I think I need a healthier habit.” 
“I would love to meditate. I just need to remind myself and learn how to do it.” 
“I feel so tired in the morning and all I want to do is sleep in.” 
“I don’t know how to motivate myself in the morning.” 
“I want to do something for myself in the morning but just don’t have enough time.”



Empathy Map:

Affinity Map.JPG

The empathy map shows that target users struggle to keep a healthy morning routine but are willing to learn new habits. Many target users feel they are not happy in the morning due to a lack of energy and guidance. Also, it is important to note that as much as target users desire a healthier morning routine, they do not want to change their sleep schedule dramatically. Therefore, the new routine should not be longer than 10-15 minutes. 


User Need Statements:


Situation - Motivation - Outcome

When I wake up in the morning, I want to have some time for myself, so that I can start my day happily.

When the alarm goes off, I want to feel great about starting the day, so that I don’t feel too tired throughout the day.

When I start a new routine, I want to have a reminder each morning, so that I don’t forget about it.

When I meditate, I want to have guidance or background music readily available, so that I don’t waste time looking it up. 



Feature prioritization:


Competitive Analysis:

Competitive Analysis.jpg

Currently, there are numbers of highly reviewed meditation/journal apps available. Those apps usually focus on one agenda and feature different types of functions. It gives users a sense of control, but none of those apps have cross-functional features that would incorporate convenient exercises for users.  


User Flow:


Upon signing up for the app, users are encouraged to change the settings according to their morning routine. Users are able to add alarms, choose a number of lists for gratitude journal, and set the ideal time for meditation. When the alarm goes off in the morning, the app gives users an option to start meditation or write a gratitude journal, depending on the user preference.  The meditation feature has a timer that helps users to focus while meditating. Although the app can be used anytime during the day, it would benefit users the most when used in the morning along with the alarm feature. 

Lo-fi Wireframe:


Hi-fi Wireframe: 



Hi-fi Wireframe: 





1. Tabs allow users to move quickly between features.

2. The log allows users to see their achievement streaks.

3. The essential menu icons allow users to jump to the desired feature at any time.  

4. Meditation has the scheduling feature so users do not need to spend time figuring out how long they would like 

    to meditate in the morning. 

5. The meditation schedule helps users to visualize their plans.

6. The timer on the meditation feature allows users to focus on meditating.

7. Tabbing the button enables meditation/gratitude journal feature and helps users to follow the routine. 

8. Snoozing option can be added based on user's preference. 

9. Users are able to pick or skip features depending on their schedule/condition. 


What I learned:

Understanding what target users really need can be challenging as target users’ needs are often different from their wants. If a product does not resonate with the target users’ real life, the product would not be persuasive. In this project, target users wanted to change their morning routine in order to become happier and more productive. At the same time, due to a busy and tiring schedule, it was not easy to find a solution. They wanted something beneficial to their health within a short time frame. If I only focused on developing a healthier morning routine while omitting the target users’ daily morning patterns, my app would have been based on their wants and failed to address their needs. 



Thank you. 

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